Music Therapy at Sage Living Turns 7!

Music Therapy session

Posted: August 7, 2023

It was the summer of 2016 at our former home, The Living Center, when music therapist Hilary joined our family. Music Therapy felt foreign to us at first, experimental even, never being exposed to any program like it. In fact, this writer even thought she was hired to entertain the residents with her music. I still remember one of her first group sessions was a sort of “jam session” with each resident playing a different instrument – all syncing up their parts in rhythm. I watched in disbelief and surprise. These were residents with physical and mental challenges that made most tasks of daily living, challenging. And there they were, six of them, each engaged and smiling, making eye contact with each other and back and forth to Hilary, connecting in a way that would seem impossible without music.

Hilary offers her music therapy program five days a week with individual and group music therapy sessions that are as unique as the residents that call Sage Living, home. From choir to a rock band, drum circle and songwriting to music therapy at the end-of-life journey, our home is alive thanks to Hilary’s long-standing life-adding program! During individual music therapy sessions, Hilary treats each person as a physician would treat a patient; getting to know the intimate life story of each person and tailoring a treatment plan with music as the medicine. Happy Birthday, Music Therapy and thank you, Hilary, for your tireless dedication to Sage Living!

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In affiliation with St John's Health