Something Changed in the Room:

Oktoberfest was a polka P-A-R-T-Y!

Polka band

The Hof Band (a local polka band) gave us all the best oom-pahs and led us in several drinking songs and sing a longs. Chef Janine and her culinary team prepared delicious pretzels and beer cheese sauce. Let's not forget two fabulous brews that were donated to our party from Snake River Brewery: Cowboy Gold and Jenny Lake Lager. We are so thankful to our community for their part in a fabulous polka party!

Several residents have grown up around polka music and German traditions. In conversations following Oktoberfest, some residents have asked for a translation and meaning behind the famous drinking song " Ein Prosit".

Ein Prosit song lyrics (German): Residents at Oktoberfest

Ein Prosit, ein Prosit
Der Gemütlichkeit
Ein Prosit, ein Prosit
Der Gemütlichkeit

What does that mean in English?

A toast, a toast
To cheer and good times
A toast, a toast
To cheer and good times

What's the chant that happens at the end of the song?

It's a countdown in German , sealed with a cheers to drink! “Oans, zwoa, drei, Gsuffa!” meaning “one, two, three, drink!” Why do polka bands sing this song numerous times throughout a performance? In polka law (which will not hold up in any court of actual law), it is mandatory to drink after every song.

One of the highlights of Sage Oktoberfest was the grand finale of the Chicken Dance! Residents at Oktoberfest

Fun facts about The Chicken Dance:

  1. Swiss accordion player Werner Thomas created the song and dance in the 1950's.
  2. It was named after the wrong bird! The original name of 'The Chicken Dance Song' was 'Der Ententanz,' which translates to 'The Duck Dance. A German band wanted to demonstrate the dance in costume for a local TV station, but a duck costume could not be located, so a chicken costume was used. Hence, chicken dance instead of duck dance.
  3. Where did it originate? Tulsa, Oklahoma!
  4. In what year was it born? 1981
  5. More than 140 versions of the song have been recorded, selling 40 million copies worldwide.